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Seeking compensation

We deal with compensation claims for:

  • financial loss caused by a breach of an obligation a telco owes a consumer
  • non-financial loss where an individual has suffered:
    • embarrassment or humiliation caused by a privacy breach 
    • unusual amounts of stress or inconvenience.

Types of claims for losses

We deal with claims for compensation such as:

  • lost business profit due to connection delays or network faults
  • costs of having to pay for alternative services when a telco does not supply agreed services
  • the costs of repairing a telco's damage to property
  • the costs of protecting someone’s safety after a telco discloses a consumer’s personal information, for example an unlisted number or address.
  • breach of privacy rights resulting in injury to your feelings or humiliation
  • where an unusual amount of physical inconvenience, time taken to resolve a situation, or interference with an individual’s peace of mind has occurred because of a telco’s action or inaction.

We do not deal with claims for compensation:

  • for the costs of making a complaint to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman
  • for loss of business reputation
  • made to penalise a telco.


You can only get compensation for losses directly caused by the telco

We assess claims by first determining if there was a breach by the telco. Then we consider the impact of the breach on you.

For financial loss, you will have to show evidence of your losses 

For financial loss, you will need to give us evidence to show the loss. This will vary depending on the loss you are claiming for. 

You should try to minimise your losses 

When assessing your compensation claim, we will consider what steps you took to protect your interests and minimise any losses.  

Has your question been answered? Find out more about the compensations claims we consider and how we help in our factsheets:

How we've helped other customers

Telco E sells technical support to customers who do not understand or need it
Telco E retrained its staff about the service. It also gave customers who were signed up to the service the option to cancel without a cancellation fee
Telco E sells technical support to customers who do not understand or need it
Telco E retrained its staff about the service. It also gave customers who were signed up to the service the option to cancel without a cancellation fee
This page was last updated on
24th Nov 2023