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Our Reports

The TIO has a range of reports and updates related to our work and our industry. 

Annual Reports and Updates - provide a snapshot of the full financial year activities of our complaint handling service. 

Complaint Keywords - a hierarchy list of the keywords used to categorise our complaints. 

Decisions and preliminary views - If a complaint has not been resolved after going through the referral, conciliation and investigation processes, the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman may decide on the resolution of the complaint. Telecommunications service providers are bound by the Ombudsman's decisions.

Submissions - The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman regularly makes submissions to legislative inquiries, policy development and other regulatory reform processes.

Systemic Issues -The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman’s systemic investigation power allows the organisation to identify issues with the telecommunications industry’s regular systems, processes or practices and issues that may cause detriment to residential consumers and small businesses.

Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) report - Research report that outlines survey findings commissioned by the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman and undertaken by the CPRC to understand who experiences challenges with telco services in Australia and what the complaints experience is like for them.