Connecting a property to the network
We can help with your complaint about connection infrastructure – that is, the cables and equipment that connect your property to the telecommunications network. To resolve these complaints, we’ll consider the law, good industry practice and fairness.
Types of connection complaints
We deal with complaints about connection such as:
- a provider didn’t tell a consumer about how to prepare their property for a service connection
- a provider installed infrastructure in an inconvenient or dangerous way
- a provider and consumer disagree about who is responsible for looking after cables or equipment on a property.
Good industry practice and the law
You should be told how to prepare for a connection
Providers must give consumers full instructions about anything they need to do to prepare their property for a service connection – such as digging a trench, clearing a safe work area, or cutting tree branches.
Infrastructure should be installed safely
By law, providers must protect people’s safety, use good engineering practice and follow recognised industry standards when installing infrastructure.
You are responsible for cables on your side of the network boundary
Usually, consumers are responsible for installing cabling that isn’t supplied by the provider as part of the service. Consumers are also generally responsible for fixing problems on their side of the boundary with the network.
More information
For more detailed information read our guidance: