We have videos available about our service in Auslan. They explain who we are and what we do.
How to make a complaint with the TIO
How the TIO can help
What the TIO can help with
What to expect when you make a complaint
What to expect when your complaint is not fixed
Do you need an Auslan interpreter?
If you are deaf, hard of hearing or use Auslan to communicate, you can book an appointment with us.
Please request a call through our Auslan Video Interpreting Service, and we will contact you with an Auslan interpreter using Microsoft Teams.
Do you need the National Relay Service?
If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service – call the NRS on 1800 555 677 then ask for 1800 062 058.
Make a complaint online
You can make a complaint online by using our online form.
Other ways to contact us
Read about other ways you can make a complaint with us about your unresolved phone or internet problem.